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With love for writing

Loud and quiet, wild and wise: Stephanie Fischer unites the opposites. Lives in the forest with a view of the metropolis of Vienna. Loves freedom, lives in an intimate partnership. Love the people and cultivate the retreat. Loves the free fall and is then insured.

The humanities scientist studied international development at the universities of Vienna and Seville, traveled the world and now lives with Valentin and her two children and dog in Vienna and Salzburg.
She has been a freelance copywriter and editor since 2016. After she understood “how” the world works through her international development studies, she realized “why” the world is the way it is while researching the universal principles.  

It was only after a long period of sick leave that she was able to realize her book idea. Since 2022, she has been writing and publishing her own books straight from her heart.

The book ideas have matured over a long period. They are not a quick response to any niche; they have been fermenting in it for years and are now emerging with much dedication and courage.

In the quiet chamber, she has studied the universal laws. She wants to share her insights and aha moments with you. Sprinkling sparkling wisdom without boredom. Creating mandala moments.

For a better understanding of ourselves within the intergalactic network.

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